
Collection: FREE TODAY

Why do we offer free giveaways?

Considering that these products are offered free of charge, to ensure thateveryone has an opportunity to receive, we kindly request each recipient toclaim only one, and only a nominal shipping fee is required. This request ismade in reflection of the unique connection with Buddhism. Our goal is tospread this goodwill to every corner of the world. lf you are willing to supportus, you have the option to purchase other items alongside claiming thecomplimentary product - serving as our motivation for continuous progress.For every product sold, the Buddhist temple will donate half of the proceedsto charitable projects in Tibet. Of course, you also have the choice to solelyclaim the free product, as it is your freedom of choice. We arewholeheartedly dedicated to supporting Tibet's charitable initiatives byproviding complimentary products to evoke profound care forunderprivileged Tibetan children.

14 products

We firmly believe in the law of karma, where good deeds yield positiveresults - a fundamental principle governing the world. However, it's crucialto understand that these effects may not manifest immediately, as timefollows its own set of rules. lf you perform a good deed today, the rewardsmight not be immediately apparent, but in the future, other individuals orevents may bring about positive outcomes, reflecting the accumulation ofyour good actions.
Everyone holds unique beliefs, and there's no need to disparage othersfaiths. All faiths guide us to become better individuals. Despite our diversebeliefs, we share a common bond as inhabitants of Earth. Our doctrines,though varied, converge on similar values: striving to make the world abetter place, pursuing peace, assisting the less fortunate in leading betterlives, and ensuring the well-being of our families.

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